Universe Campaign Website Platform



Universe Campaign Websites

Universe’s website platform makes it easy for any campaign to get online quickly. In just a few quick steps you’ll have a website with everything a campaign could need out of the box:

  • Endorsements
  • Volunteer Signup
  • Issues Pages
  • Email Signup
  • Blog
  • Campaign Store
  • Petitions
  • And More!

Getting your website online is easy! Just follow the setup directions on our documentation site.

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Universe is Loved by Community Leaders

  • Adam Miller

    CEO, Universe

    Very excited for what's to come!

  • Jenny Silber

    COO, Universe

  • Erica Oh

    Senior Software Engineer

  • Ruth Wu

    Senior Software Engineer

  • Logan Evasco

    Head of Product

  • Joel Emerson

    Campaigns Director

  • Art Phung

    UI Designer

  • Emon Datta

    Staff Data Engineer

  • Ace Silber

    Head of Finance

  • Jeju Oh

    Office Security

  • Ziti Barney

    Head of Snacks

  • Sir Jiggery Pokery

    Human + Feline Resources

  • Mitos Silber

    Legal Counsel

  • Basu Evasco

    Social Chair

  • Milkdud Emerson

    GIS Catographer

  • Kyna Wiltz

    Campaign Manager

See All Endorsements

On the Issues

  • Gravity

    It weighs heavy on all of us, but keeps us grounded.

  • Electromagnetism

    A shocking issue. Really energizes the masses.

  • Strong Nuclear Force

    It's what holds us together.

  • Weak Nuclear Force

    Driving Societal Decay

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Get Involved!

How would you like to volunteer?

We'll contact you once a week to share volunteer opportunities with you! We'll never share your email or phone number with any third parties.